A Quick guide to website accessibility
Posted on 28th April 2021
How to keep your business compliant with WCAG
WCAG 2.1 in brief
There are many things to consider when you’re designing a new website for your business, and key among these is the customer experience. At first it seems as though the fundamentals of your website’s user experience (UX) should be fairly easy to achieve.
You need it to be visually striking, easy to read and navigate. Ideally, visitors to your website should quickly be able to find the information they need in a format that they can use on any size screen. But when you’re planning your website, are you considering the needs of every potential client, or are you missing something important?
The clever team at it'seeze have put together a very useful guide to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG) and you can now download it and learn more here:
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