Web design Colchester
When we mention the importance of blogging to our clients most still don't understand the benefits of this powerful marketing tool, so we have decided to explain a bit more about why every business should be blogging at least once a month. 
In its simplest form, blogging is just news that's added to a website to update viewers and readers about a specific topic. Used for a business, this could mean updating clients with new product information, company news, events, special offers or informative/important industry changes. The benefits of blogging are huge, firstly because Google loves to see new/fresh content on websites - remember content is still king - and secondly it shows people viewing your website that you are an active, progressive company. 
Blogging does not have to be all business business business either, you can include social updates too so if you have a company summer BBQ or Christmas party then share the photos on your blog. 
A good blog update should include at least 300+ words, links to other parts of your website, a link to an external website other blogs or PDF, high quality images and if possible a short video. 
Blogging also works hand in hand with social media so when you create a blog post make sure you share it with your audience via Facebook, Twitter and the other major platforms. 
Blogging on an it'seeze Max or Shop website is super easy because we provide an integrated blogging platform that allows clients to create an article, add some images and publish their post within a few easy steps. Here is a short video that shows you how: 
Remember that blogging needs to be a regular activity, just like committing to social media we would suggest that you blog at least once a month and the key is to make sure all content (text) is unique as Google does not like duplication.  
If you would like to learn more about how blogging can help your business please do not hesitate in calling us directly on: 01473 845123 or fill out the form below and we will call you back. 
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